Metal Fabrication Resources by Blackstone Advanced Technologies

5 Sheet Metal Enclosure Considerations for Mining Equipment Design

Written by Blackstone Advanced Technologies | Dec 6, 2019 2:00:00 PM

Metal enclosures used in the mining industry need to meet strict standards set by federal and state governments. Failing to meet these standards often means paying large fines. More importantly, metal enclosures that don’t align with industry requirements could put your employees in danger.


When choosing sheet metal enclosures for your site, make sure you consider the following five factors.



Do You Need Commercial-Grade or Industrial-Grade Enclosures?


If your worksite has hazardous and non-hazardous areas, then you need to think about the differences between commercial-grade and industrial-grade enclosures.


Your hazardous areas require industrial-grade enclosures made of materials like stainless steel and aluminum. The enclosure also needs wire ways that let you connect your mining equipment to power sources and other devices.


For non-hazardous areas, you can choose commercial-grade enclosures made of galvanized steel. You don’t have to worry as much about the wire ways for these enclosures.





Mining Equipment Needs Explosion-Proof Designs


All mining equipment that you take into hazardous areas need explosion-proof designs that protect everyone on the site. That means you need a strong metal that can help prevent explosions from hurting workers and collapsing tunnels.


Ideally, you want enclosures made of strong, lightweight metal. When you choose a strong metal like steel, you don’t need to use thick panels to prevent explosions. Instead, you can keep your sheet metal enclosures as small and moveable as possible.



Lightweight Materials Make Mining Equipment Easier to Transport


If you have mining equipment that you need to move often, then it makes sense to choose lightweight enclosures that are relatively easy to transport.


Consult a sheet metal size chart to learn more about the thicknesses and weights of different sheet metals. In most cases, you will want to choose aluminum because it has a lightweight, durable build.


You can also use steel. Steel weighs more than aluminum, but you can choose thinner sheets without putting workers in danger.